Stunning Autumn Wedding
Wedding videography in Rochester MN, Winona MN, and Lacrosse WI area!
About Wedding Day Films:
Since 2005, Wedding Day Films has been creating and producing wedding videos all over the Midwest.
We love shooting in a cinematic style to create that dreamlike movie every couple loves sharing with their friends and family.
We want to blend in with you, your family and friends while still paying attention to all the detail you put into creating the day of your dreams.
What We Offer?
We offer a variety of packages depending on your needs and your budget allowing our company to work with you and your fiancé on choosing the right package that fits your day best.
Our goal is to allow you as a married couple to relive your wedding day and capture those little moments you may not remember later on down the road.
Why Hire Us?
We have years of experienced videographers who have filmed over a 200 weddings throughout the years and who are always working towards capturing those special moments with family and friends, the laughs and tears, and everything in between.
Our Videographers
Our Wedding videographers come from a wide variety of backgrounds, but one thing we all have in common is our love for love and making sure every part of it is remembered for as long as your lives are intertwined together. Our Service areas are primarily LaCrosse, Winona, Rochester, Eau Claire, Minneapolis, and all the places in between.
Pre wedding consultation: either by phone, e-mail, or in person. We want to get to know you two as a couple!
Social Media Posting to share your special day with family and friends.
2 Wireless Microphones/multi camera setup for ceremony for additional angles.
Includes 3 Specialty USB drives in custom wood boxes of finished videos.
DVD's available as another option.
Our Wedding Packages:
7 hours of coverage
Highlight Video 7-9 minutes
2 Videographers included
Full edit of Ceremony, Toasts, Dances included on USB drive
3 Handcrafted USB drives
Raw Footage included
12 hours of coverage
Highlight Video 10-12 minute
Aerial Videography
2 Videographers
Full edit of Ceremony, Toasts, Dances included on USB drives
3 Handcrafted USB drives
Raw Footage included
Additional Videographer: $700
Same Day Edit: Call for price with package
Professional 4K Aerial Drone for Video: $300
Additional USB: $25
Additional Hours: Please Call
Uplighting for Reception: $20 per LED light
Drone Videography: 500
Our Team:
Rylan is a passionate filmmaker and content creator who has been pursuing his love for the art of video creating anywhere he can. From weddings, to corporate videos, to fun commercials, he loves connecting with new people and is always ready for new creative challenges and endeavors. Creating a moving and emotional story is something he puts first in his videos, being particular in music choice and color correcting.